Whereas The Secret Scrolls (our other newsletter) will continue to provide hints and tools to assist you in developing your understanding and skills to manifest the life of your dreams, The Secret Diary offers a monthly update to keep you informed, involved and in tune with the team behind The Secret.
You will continue to receive The Secret Scrolls periodically if you are a subscriber, but your subscription now comes with the added benefit of The Secret Diary newsletter. There is no need for you to re-register, subscribe or unsubscribe in order to receive both publications. Click here if you are not yet subscribed.
The new Extended Edition DVD of The Secret was released three weeks ago, and the response has been wonderful. Our challenge was to amend the original version so as to open up pathways to release the film according to the needs and desires of communities all around the world.And so we set an intention with the Extended Edition to give more clarity and more joy, and so it is. Lisa Nichols and Marci Shimoff realized that intention on screen, and their hearts' message and down-to-earth words will be heard by even more people. In addition, their words and presence have had an illuminating effect on the whole of The Secret, alongside new pieces from Michael Beckwith, Bob Doyle and Joe Vitale. You will experience this added energy of light and love when you see the Extended Edition.
One of the most significant special features in the Extended Edition DVD is an all-new Producer's commentary track, featuring a one-on-one interview with The Secret creator Rhonda Byrne explaining and elaborating on many of The Secret teachings. For anyone interested in Rhonda's take on law of attraction and the universe at large, this is not to be missed.
The other thing to note is that if you simply want to view the main feature once to see how it differs from the original DVD version you already own, you can see it online at www.whatisthesecret.tv for just US$4.95.
As a companion to the film, this life-transforming book offers additional information, more personal stories, and examples of how readers can apply the wisdom of The Secret to their daily lives.
"The book version of The Secret brings even more clarity and additional detail to its awesome potential for people's lives," says Rhonda. "This new book and its book on tape counterpart are incredibly important and will carve a path and reach more mainstream masses of people, which is the overall intent of The Secret, bringing more joy to the billions of people in our world."
The executive producer of Larry King Live saw The Secret recently, and was reportedly very impressed. As a result Larry King has recorded two special editions of his CNN program entitled "Beyond Positive Thinking" based on the universal law that our thoughts create our lives. Larry interviewed several teachers featured in The Secret, among them Bob Proctor, John Assaraf, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Dr. John F. Demartini, James Ray, Jack Canfield and Joe Vitale. We look forward with great anticipation to these programs, which are scheduled to air on November 2nd and 16th. Check your local guides for details of screening times.THE SECRET CD SOUNDTRACK
With this in mind, we have had an overwhelming response from viewers wishing to listen to The Secret in their cars, on their iPods, CD Walkmans, and so on. As a result, we are pleased to announce the imminent release of the CD soundtrack of The Secret. Available as a 2-CD set, digitally re-mastered in stereo, The Secret Soundtrack features the full length film soundtrack including the voices of the great teachers as they appear in the film.
The Secret Soundtrack will be available via our website superstore and is being released during the month of November...
Another popular request we receive is for The Secret to be translated to other languages. We are currently doing 9 language translations of The Secret with the major languages initially, and then more will follow. We will keep you posted on these new versions as they become available.NEXT ISSUE...
As you can see, there is a great deal happening with The Secret... in fact too much for one newsletter. We will be publishing the next issue very shortly, with details of Public Screenings opportunities, a Secret seminar event, news of The Secret expansion around the world, as well as early word on the sequel to The Secret.May the joy be with you.
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The Secret | Secret | Secret Diary | Larry King | Secret Book | Secret CD | Law Of Attraction
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
The Secret To Riches - Visualization Tool
A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne, Executive Producer of The Secret.
Abundance and riches on all subjects - including health, happiness and wealth - are your rightful heritage!
To claim your wealth using The Secret, The Secret Team has created a powerful visualization tool to help you attract riches into your life.
The Secret to Riches tool will powerfully focus your mind on riches. It has been intentionally created so you will receive the maximum benefits through the law of attraction.
To experience the full power of The Secret to Riches, be sure to read every word and feel it as much as you can.
Believe and know that riches are yours, and feel the feelings of having them now. The more you can feel it, the more power you will add to bring it to you.
There is no limit to the amount of times you can experience The Secret to Riches tool. Every single time you watch it, you will be deliberately focusing all your energy and powerful attracting thoughts on magnetizing riches into your life.
The Secret to Riches visualization tool was inspired by one of the great wealth teachers from The Secret, Bob Proctor.
Bob travels the world teaching millions how to bring riches into their lives, through his books, seminars, and his coaching programs.
In honor of Bob Proctor, and of all The Secret master teachers, we give you the gift of The Secret to Riches visualization tool.
Just click the link below.
You can also download it to play over and over, and send it to your friends and family.
The Secret Team powerfully intends that this tool will bring you riches beyond your wildest dreams!
The Secret to Riches
We expect to hear miracles of riches!
If you want to experience the great living master, Bob Protor, and receive his coaching wisdom that can transform your life into riches on all subjects, you can do so through Bob Proctor's coaching programs.
If you haven't experienced The Secret yet, isn't it time you unleashed all of the magic into your life?
The Secret... bringing joy to the world
The Secret Scrolls Team.
Want to share The Secret with a friend? Click here.
Technorati Tags:
The Secret | Secret | Secret To Riches | Riches | Visualization | Visualization Tool | Bob Proctor